Beliau merupakan seorang Profesor dalam bidang Pemasaran di Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). Bidang utama penyelidikan beliau adalah Pemasaran Perkhidmatan, Motivasi Pekerja, Pemasaran Sosial dan Kualiti Hidup.
Beliau telah mengikuti beberapa kursus Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) di bawah anjuran Akademi NLP Malaysia seperti Program Pengamal Asas NLP Bersijil, Program Developing NLP Strategies Practitioner, Program LAB Profile Practitioner, Program Hypnotic Communication Practitioner, Program NLP Coach, Program NLP Framer & Reframer, Program NLP Train the Trainer (Platform Skills), Program Trainer NLP for Student, Program NLP Trainer’s Training, Program NLP META Reflection Practitioner, Program Internship for NLP Trainer, Program NLP Modelling Practitioner, Program Trainer NLP for Students, Program Trainer NLP for Students, Program Trainer NLP for Teacher, Train the Trainer.
Selain itu, beliau turut mengikuti beberapa program NLP di luar negara dan telah diiktiraf sebagai Licensed Master Prcatitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, London, UK oleh The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, New Code NLP Practitioner (Mucia, Spain), Words that Change Minds, Lab Profile, Success Strategies (London, UK), Generative Coaching Certification Programme (London, UK), Systemic Trance (London, UK)
Terkini, beliau telah dilantik sebagai ketua editor bagi Journal of Business and Social Development (JBSD).


Assoc. Trainer ANLPM

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